What's this page about?

I was looking for a way to keep track of all my sermon notes from the worship services at TCCC. So if you've missed some notes, hopefully this will also help.

If anyone has any additional points or comments to add, I would greatly appreaciate it too. Thanks.

(This site is NOT offically affiliated with TCCC though.)

General Comments:

About TCCC

100 Acadia Avenue
Markham, ON L3R5A2


Worship Service:
9:40-11:00 AM
11:00-11:30 AM
Sunday School:
11:30-12:30 PM

Pastoral Staff
Victor Lee
Kinson Leung
Daniel Leung
Ian Arienda-Jose (Youth)
Wesley Lim (Children's)


  Spoken Words @ TCCC (Toronto Chinese Community Church)
  Community with a Cause

Sunday, January 09, 2005

TCCC 30th Anniversary Celebration
- Fouding Pastor, Rev. Dr. John Kao
Scripture: Philippians 1:3-6 - Thanksgiving and Prayer (The first Scriptural text preached thirty years ago.)
Three Steps in obedience to the Great Commission:

  1. To Keep the Great Commandment of Christ - The basis for Christian Partnership
    • Our love for God (Matt. 22:35-40)
    • Our love for brothers (John 13:34-35)
    • Our love for the lost (Matt. 9:35-36, Luke 9:10)
  2. To Obey the Great Commission of Christ - The core practice of Christian Gospel
    • Disciple Making (Matt. 28:19-20)
    • From generation to generation (2 Tim 2:2, Gen. 1:27-28)
    • Born to Produce
  3. To Live out the Great Life of Christ - the growth pattern of Christian Life
Let our personal life and our church grow in Christ unto maturity.


Sunday, January 02, 2005

Claiming New Ground For His Glory
- Victor Lee
Scripture: Philippians 3:10-14 - Pressing on Toward the Goal
Knowing Jesus Christ involves the ongoing pursuit of His presence and power.

For ongoing transformation, it requires...

  1. Spiritual dissatisfaction (vv. 12,13)
    • realizing that one hasn't already taken hold of it
    • a need for a humbling attitude
  2. Straightforward direction (v.13)
    • not resting on our laurels, but moving forward towards reaching our goals
    • keeping your eye on the target
    • having even a momentary lapse can often result in crashes
  3. Steadfast Determination (vv. 13,14)
    • straining and pressing on, especially when things are most important to us
    • having a plan of action to tackle on our own personal challenges


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

A Celebration of Life Memorial Service for Cindy Lam
A Life that Touched Lives
@ Richmond Hill Chinese Community Church

In memory of our dear friend Cindy Lam, who was tragically killed in a car accident on December 15, 2004. Although she no longer attended TCCC and was at the time going to Cornerstone, she'll be remembered by all those who had the opportunity to serve with her at the Kyrios (Teens) Fellowship and/or TCCC Children's Day Camp. This is her tribute:

"Cindy was born in Toronto, Ontario at St. Michael's Hospital on January 19, 1977 to Andrew and Nancy Lam. She was the youngest of three sisters (Melissa and Wendy) and the younger (by one minute) twin to Wendy. She completed her elementary and secondary education in schools in Scarborough and completed her business degree at Wilfred Laurier University in 1999. She worked at a number of jobs (including being a Big Bird wannabe), and most recently at DSP Factory in Waterloo as a Marketing Co-ordinator.

Cindy was an avid sports buff and enjoyed physical fitness and outdoor activities. Her favourite sports were volleyball and softball (it is a well-kept secret that she also enjoyed bowling). In 2004, she complete her first marathon (okay, not really a marathon, it was only 5 KM).

If you didn't find her playing sports, she would often be found travelling to distant locations along with her fiancé Quintin. They traveled to Europe, the Caribbean and the United States. One of her favourite places to visit was California where she enjoyed the wine, weather and vistas.

Cindy had a heart for people and loved children. During summers off from school, she worked at day camps for children, including one summer where she worked at a summer camp in Regent Park caring for inner city children. She loved God and was baptized at the Toronto Chinese Community Church on August 24, 1997. She continued to grow in her relationship with God through actively participating in her church and university fellowships.

Cindy also loved her family and friends and was generous with her time and energy, often putting their needs above her won. She was great at keeping in touch and was a loyal and sincere friend. Cindy was also always ready for fun and adventures. She even conquered her fear of heights and large non-domestic animals when she rode on the back of an Indian elephant with her nephew Trevor. She also indulged in her favourite pastime (shopping) and introduced her niece Catriona to some of her favourite places (Winners and Michaels).

Although she will greatly missed, she has forever touched each of our lives with her caring hear, warm smile, and her generous, loving spirit."



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