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I was looking for a way to keep track of all my sermon notes from the worship services at TCCC. So if you've missed some notes, hopefully this will also help.

If anyone has any additional points or comments to add, I would greatly appreaciate it too. Thanks.

(This site is NOT offically affiliated with TCCC though.)

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About TCCC

100 Acadia Avenue
Markham, ON L3R5A2


Worship Service:
9:40-11:00 AM
11:00-11:30 AM
Sunday School:
11:30-12:30 PM

Pastoral Staff
Victor Lee
Kinson Leung
Daniel Leung
Ian Arienda-Jose (Youth)
Wesley Lim (Children's)


  Spoken Words @ TCCC (Toronto Chinese Community Church)
  Community with a Cause

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Lord of the Universe, Hope of the World
- Dr. James Hudson Taylor III
Scripture: Psalm 8:3,4; 121:1,2
The Lord of the Universe is:
  1. The Lord of Creation
    • The Lord has created something out of nothing.
  2. The Lord of Human History.
    • God has been ruler throughout all history.
  3. The Lord of Redemption.
    • Jesus has died for our transgressions.
He is also the Hope of the World.
  • In society, there are powers at work that we have no control over--Sickness, wars, violence, etc.
  • He is the one person that can give hope to all people.

    Are we prepared to let the Lord be Lord of our life? Are we prepared to go out and share this belief?


    Sunday, April 18, 2004

    The Miracle of Mission Breakthrough
    - Dr. Patrick Fung
    Scripture: Acts 11:19-26 - The Church in Antioch
    God uses the most adverse times, not necessarily the greatest times to create mission breakthroughs.

    Mission Breakthroughs occur when:

    1. God's people are obedient.
      • Even though they are nameless, they remain resilient to share the gospel of Jesus Christ; wherever they go, they are willing to tell others about Jesus Christ. (Acts 8:4)
      • They are courageous.
        • Sometimes, it might be challenging / scary / difficult to go out and talk to people who are not in our comfort zone.
        • The Lord has concern for all of us, not just the Chinese.
      • They are disciplined.
        • Remaining true to the Lord. (Acts 8:23)
    2. God's people are sensitive to God's work. (Acts 11:22)
      • Open your ears and eyes.
      • Act locally, but also think globally.
      • For example, God has opened a window of opportunity for Chinese people to reach out to Muslim people; they have tend to show more respect admiration for us; therefore, we should take advantage of this and try to connect with them.
      • Acts 8:24 -- If you are a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, you will be able to bring many people to the Lord.
      • Take the time to see the work of God and what we can do.
      • If God is laying a burden on us, what is our (my) role? Encouraging, evangelizing?
      • How can other people also be involved in the work of God?
    3. God's people are equipped for His work.
      • Using / studying scripture and remaining obedient to the God's lordship will prepare us for the work he has given us during our lifetime.


    Sunday, April 11, 2004

    Easter, A Time of Reflection
    - Victor Lee
    Scripture: Luke 24:1-8 - The Resurrection
    "Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production." -- Rick Warren
    Life isn't just our time her on Earth, but also our life after death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a calling to live in light of eternity.

    1. It is a calling that is rooted in love.
      • 1 John 4:9-10; God showed his love for us by sacrificing his Son.
      • While we are here on Earth, we should do the same--that is, to love and care for one another (even our enemies) no matter what the situation.
    2. It is a calling that is guided by hope.
      • We have hope that there is much more to this life.
      • We no longer have to fear death, but look forward to our time with God in heaven.
    3. It is a calling that is filled with power.
      • Have you ever felt powerless to change something in your life?
      • The Holy Spirit has filled us with the power to choose to be free from sin.


    Friday, April 09, 2004

    Meditations on the Suffering Servant (Good Friday Service)
    - Daniel Leung
    Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-12 - The Suffering and Glory of the Servant

    On the weekend of His death and resurrection, it is a time to reflect on Jesus as...

    An Understanding Saviour

    • What does it meant to me that Jesus understands me?
    • Only Jesus has truly gone through the same temptations / struggles that we have.

    The Ultimate Atonement

    • What have the wounds of Jesus healed me from?
    • How has the affected me daily?
    • Jesus has restored us by compensating Himself for us.

    The Good Shepherd

    • What has caused me to go astray?
    • Have we forgotten that Jesus is the guide in our lives?
    • What are some of the things that have detracted me from Him?


    Sunday, April 04, 2004

    Opening Eyes, Opening Hearts
    - Rev. Paul Fawcett
    Scripture: Mark 10:46-52 - Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight
    Christian Blind Mission International is committed to bringing healing, enablement and hope to the world's destitute blind and disabled people. These people are the poorest of the poor, and we believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ calls us to minister in word and deed to the widows and the orphans - the outcasts of world - to those who are hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, imprisoned (Matthew 25:31-40).

    Their mandate -- Matthew 11:5: "The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor."

    Bartimaeus' New Beginning

    • The Opening Scene
        Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside begging. (v.46)
    • The Opportunity
        When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (v.47)
    • The Opposition
        Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" (v.48)
    • Change of Opinion
        Jesus stopped and invited him to step out. Now these same people said, "Be of good comforts." (v.49)
    • The Options
        "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. (v.51)
    • The Decision
        The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." (v.51)
    • The Operation
        "Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight. (v.52)
    • The Outcome
        Bartimaeus followed Jesus in the way. (v.52)

    What does this story mean to us?

    • As a parallel, in the secular world there is much Spiritual Blindness.
      • Just as Bartimaeus was given a new beginning, Jesus can do the same for people today. He can make a difference and it's worth it.
      • However, as seen in the story, it takes work.
      • Reaching out to others may receive opposition; you may lose friends.
    • How did Bartimaeus know that Jesus would be able to help him?
      • He had heard about him before, about the other miracles he had performed.
      • Bartimaeus is a good example of how people can respond when we go out to share.



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