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I was looking for a way to keep track of all my sermon notes from the worship services at TCCC. So if you've missed some notes, hopefully this will also help.

If anyone has any additional points or comments to add, I would greatly appreaciate it too. Thanks.

(This site is NOT offically affiliated with TCCC though.)

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100 Acadia Avenue
Markham, ON L3R5A2


Worship Service:
9:40-11:00 AM
11:00-11:30 AM
Sunday School:
11:30-12:30 PM

Pastoral Staff
Victor Lee
Kinson Leung
Daniel Leung
Ian Arienda-Jose (Youth)
Wesley Lim (Children's)


  Spoken Words @ TCCC (Toronto Chinese Community Church)
  Community with a Cause

Sunday, February 29, 2004

The God of Generations
- Kinson Leung
Scripture: Exodus 17:1-9, Numbers 20:1-12 - Water From the Rock

2 Questions for Reflection:

  1. What kinds of attitudes are we passing along to our children?
    • If we compare Exodus 17:3 and Numbers 20:4, we can see the parallels even 40 years later.
    • The people blamed Moses and totally forgot what God had done for them.
    • The attitudes of the Israelites lived on through their children.
    • The single most influential piece of parenting is your attitude—especially those you have when thing go wrong.
  2. What kinds of methods are we relying on to please God?
    • Moses' staff ultimately became a symbol of God's power.
    • With his staff, Moses was able to perform all these miracles—the 10 plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the flowing of water from a rock.
    • Numbers 20:12—Moses' mistake was that he trusted his staff more than he trusted God; he trusted a method more than he trusted his Master.
    • When you rely on only the things you're good at or stay with the things that work, eventually it's going to be about your own success and not about God; Numbers 20:10.

Question: If Moses misused his staff and / or did not trust God, why did it still work?

  • God proves that He is still a faithful God.
  • HOWEVER, just because something works, it doesn't mean it's right or pleases God.


Sunday, February 22, 2004

A God Who Provides
- Daniel Leung
Scripture: Exodus 16:9-18 - Manna and Quail

2 Ways Israel Rejected God:

  1. They Grumbled
    • Numbers 11:4-6
    • The Israelites complained about being thirsty, God gave them water; they grumbled about starving, so God gave them manna; they grumbled about not having meat, so He gave them quail.
    • selective amnesia: amnesia about particular events that is very convenient for the person to not remember.
    • We always remember the things that we used to have, instead of focusing on the things that God is currently providing for us.
    • "Discontentment magnifies what is past and vilifies what is present, without regard to truth or reason." — Matthew Henry
    • How can we show so much impatience, ingratitude or distrust of God when He has provided so much.
    • By rejecting / forgetting His provisions, we also reject God.
  2. They Disobeyed
    • God puts obstacles or truly difficult situations in our way to test our obedience to God.
    • Who will we turn to in our times of trouble? What will we do?
    • Exodus 16:18
    • If we listen to what God has told us, He will honour us.
    • Sometimes God will require us to give up something precious or do something extremely challenging / difficult. In the end, He will always make sure we will be rewarded.

How to trust God in difficult times?

  1. Remember God's Faithfulness.
    • Exodus 16:32
    • We need to remember that God has provided in the past and He will continue to provide in the present and future.
  2. Be Honest with God.
    • It is OK for us to complain to God because He will listen to us in our misery and eventually rescue us.
    • Still, in spite of our complaining, we need to recognize that God is ultimately our provider.
    • Where the Israelites failed was that in their complaining they turned away from God instead of turning to Him.
  3. Prayer for Help.
    • Philippians 4:-6-7
    • If we present our requests to God through prayer, He will find a way to answer them.
  • We need to pray and listen for God's voice.
  • Is He asking us to give up something old for something new?
  • We need to trust Him that His provisions will always be enough for us.


    Sunday, February 15, 2004

    Experiencing the Deliverance of God

    - Harding Ng
    Scripture: Exodus 12:1-14 - The Passover; 1 Corinthians 5:6,7

    The word of God and the power of prayer will always deliver us from the challenges of the world and our struggles in life.

    1. We must DECIDE on the Lamb
      1. The need for the Lamb
        • We need to look at the sins in our own hearts.
      2. The nature of the Lamb
        • Only Jesus christ is the one perfect man who can die on the cross for our sins.
    2. We must DEPEND on the Lamb
      1. To avert God's judgment
        • With the tragedies / challenges / evils in the world today, God is our saving grace.
      2. To accept God's salvation
        • God's love for us through the death of his son, Jesus Christ, has saved humanity.
    3. We must DINE on the Lamb
      1. It is a commitment of faith
      2. It is a community of faith
      3. It is a celebration of faith


    Sunday, February 08, 2004

    Building Community God's Way

    - Victor Lee
    Scripture: Acts 2:41-47 - The Fellowship of the Believers

    True community can only exist when Jesus Christ is the foundation of our togetherness.

    The early believers were devoted to...

    1. The Apostles' teachings.
    2. Fellowship.
    3. The Breaking of Bread.
    4. Prayer.


    Sunday, February 01, 2004

    The Finger of God

    - Kinson Leung
    Scripture: Exodus 8:16-19 - The Plague of Gnats
    Why did God impose the 10 plagues before bringing the Israelites out of Egypt?

    The plagues are affirmation of a faithful God... faithful in love, power and commitment.

    In the plagues, we find a God who...

    1. Deals with the hearts of people.
      • In the case of Moses — Exodus 4:13; Exodus 5:22-23
      • In the case of Pharaoh — Exodus 5:2
      • At some point in our life, we will always have a choice to follow him or reject him.
      • Our hearts can be hardened or softened.

    2. Declares his greatness to the nations.
      • God challenges and puts to rest the powers of the Egyptian gods.

        God's Power:

        The 10 plagues:

        Egyptian gods represented:

        God rules over all other gods and their magic.

        1. Of Water turned to blood (7:14-25)
        2. Of Frogs (8:1-15)
        3. Of Gnats (8:16-19)

        1. Khnum, god of the sacred Nile
        2. Hequet, goddess with frog's head
        3. Geb, god of the dust

        God inhabits any place he desires.

        4. Of Flies (8:20-32)
        5. On Livestock (9:1-7)
        6. Of Boils (9:8-12)

        4. Khepfi, god of insects
        5. Apis, god of bulls
        6. Serapis, god of healing

        God controls anything He wants in creation.

        7. Of Hail (9:13-35)
        8. Of Locusts (10:1-20)
        9. Of Darkness (10:21-29)

        7. Set, god of storms
        8. Osiris, god of crops
        9. Ra, god of the Sun
        10. On Firstborn (11:1-10)

        10. Pharaoh himself
      • God's name is at stake, thus he demonstrates His power over everything.

    3. Delivers humanity back to Himself.
      • Exodus: A theological sequel to Genesis.

      • Genesis: The fall of humanity away from God.
      • Exodus: Reclaiming of humanity to God.

      • Genesis: The covenant to Isaac, Abraham and Jacob — Exodus 6:6-8.
      • Exodus: The fulfilment of those promises through Moses.
    Some applications from this passage:
    1. God is concerned with our hearts.
      • Choose to have your hearts touched (softened) by God.
    2. God is concerned with destroying the gods in our lives.
      • Money, anger, pleasure, etc.
      • God wants to ensure His supremacy over all these things, even if it's not to destroy them.
    3. God doesn't react from moment to moment, but sustains from generation to generation.
      • God will continue to bring us back to Him because He has promised it.



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