What's this page about?
I was looking for a way to keep track of all my sermon notes from the worship services at TCCC. So if you've missed some notes, hopefully this will also help.
If anyone has any additional points or comments to add, I would greatly appreaciate it too. Thanks.
(This site is NOT offically affiliated with TCCC though.)
General Comments:
About TCCC
100 Acadia Avenue
Markham, ON L3R5A2
Worship Service:
9:40-11:00 AM
11:00-11:30 AM
Sunday School:
11:30-12:30 PM
Pastoral Staff
Victor Lee
Kinson Leung
Daniel Leung
Ian Arienda-Jose (Youth)
Wesley Lim (Children's)
Spoken Words @ TCCC (Toronto Chinese Community Church)
Community with a Cause
Sunday, January 25, 2004
From Bad to Worse - Victor Lee
Scripture: Exodus 5:1-21 - Bricks Without Straw
The Confrontations:
Moses vs. Pharoah
Pharaoh takes away their supplies.
Pharoah vs. the Israelites
Pharoah beats and punishes them.
the Israelites vs. Moses
The Israelites turns against Moses. Each event subsequently gets worse!
However, Moses turns to God right away, instead of seeing Him as our last option.
Have things started very badly in the morning and got only worse as the day went along?
When things go from bad to worse our greatest hope is rooted in the sovereignty of God.
Realize that you are not out of God's will.
Recognize your wishes may not be aligned with God's timing.
God will know the best time to reveal Himself to us.
Reflect on which way you want to run.
Do we want to resolve our issues on our own or look to God for strength?
Remember that God's sovereignty guarantees a bright future.
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
We have guaranteed refuge in our Lord.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
When God Says GO! - Daniel Leung
Scripture: Exodus 4:1-13 - Signs for Moses
3 things that hinder obedience:
Our Past Hurts
Hurt can paralyze us with fear causing us to throw out all these excuses.
In Exodus 4:10, Moses uses many excuses, but Acts 7:22 shows that his excuses were weak.
Our hurts and rejections can instead prepare us for service.
What hurts in our life have shaped who we are today?
God wants to use us and our experiences to expand His kingdom.
A Lack of Ability
Many people say: "My skills don't compare to others...What can I do?"
It's not the abilities that you have that count, it's how you let God use it.
David and Goliath
Jesus feeding 5000
What do we have in our hands?
God uses the smallest of things to do amazing things
He can take whatever we have and use it for His glory
Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.
It's only when we are honest that God begins to change us, touch our hearts and transform who we are.
We need to care for the ministries that we serve.
When God tells us to go, he will enable us.
Challenge: We need to be church that answers, "Yes, your majesty!"
When God call us to do something, what is holding us back from going ahead with it?
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